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1411 number of Tigers

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What does this number mean? It is the number of Tigers found in India at the time of the last census carried out about 4 years ago. It was close to 20,000 about a century ago and due to the untiring efforts of mankind, these majestic beasts are close to extinction! I have been fascinated by these carnivores for years, would trade anything to spend quality time watching them roam the jungles, on television ofcourse. The priviledge of seeing them alive in their natural habitat is a luxury I can ill afford, given my poor finances. The last time I saw them was at the Dehiwala Zoo, from a height of about 50 feet and they seemed quite uninterested of being observed. A photograph depicting the triumphant(?) Indian Rulers and their European counterparts with the carcasses of atleast 20 tigers is still vivid in my memory. If they were that brave I wondered, they could have countered the poor 'national' animal unarmed. Later, the poachers took over from where they left, but it was for gain rather than a show of bravery. Life in the jungles itself was tough for them, given the hardships they had to face with regards to finding food and raring their offsprings. Man only compounded their misery, greed would one day have to pay a price no doubt, but then when that day arrives there may not be anything alive, barring videos and photos. However much the environmentalists tried, they were never really supported by succeeding governments , hell bent on hanging onto power at any cost. What can the individual do to prevent such atrocities? At this point of time it looks like keeping the fingers crossed, hoping for sanity to dawn on his damned race. Save the Tiger, please....


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