Navratri 2010 | Navaratri dates in 2010 | Navrathri 2010 dates
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The beginning of October heralds one of the most famous festivals of India - Navratri. The nine-day festival is doubly unique since it has a huge number of legends attached to it and is celebrated in widely diverse styles across the nation.
Each region has something different to offer and one of the most famous symbols of Navratri is the 'Dandiya' dance from Gujarat.
A delicate and complicated act, it requires much practise. Here is a look at their efforts to get it just right on the eve of Navratri.

Navratri 2010, Navratri dates 2010, Navratri 2010 calendar, Durga Navratri 2010, Chaitra Navratri 2010, Vasant Navratri 2010, Ashad Navratri 2010,Nov 24, 2009 ... The nine-day festival of Navratri, or Navaratri, in Hindu religion dedicated to the nine manifestations of Goddess Durga, Kalasha Sthapana or Ghatasthapana is invoking Goddess Durga for Navratri puja. For this, devotees should follow the best muhurat or auspicious time. Navratri Kalashsthapana 2010 time is 6 to 7.30 in the morning.
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