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Bom Sabado | Bom Saboda Viral attack: Avoid visiting Orkut

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bom Sabado | Bom Saboda Viral attack: Avoid visiting Orkut

Computer virus ‘Bom Saboda’ or ‘Bom Sabado’, which means good Saturday in Portuguese has attacked Google’s social networking website Orkut on Saturday morning.

A malicious Bom Sabado is a cross-site-scripting attack, which is flooding the scrap of Orkut users and also linking it to different groups.

The Orkut has asked its users to avoid visiting Orkut till the problem is fixed.

This is the second XSS attack on a social networking website in a week. The popular microblogging website Twitter was also attacked by a computer worm created by Norwegian hacker.

The worm bombarded pop-up messages and directed the users to pornography websites.

The experts advise is to delete the cookies of your computer and change the password.


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